I don't know when Lanier wrote the following but I would be interested to know 
what the AI folks here think about his critique (or direct me to a thread where 
this was already discussed). Also would someone be able to re-state his 
rainstorm thought experiment more clearly -- I am not sure I get it:


Eric B. Ramsay

"John G. Rose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                        How about – 
the movie is going along, year 2028, an AGI goes Singularity and burns to the 
center of the earth and converts the core into a giant AGI supercomputer. And 
then average Joe out of the blue gets a message in his ears “We would like to 
make your transition to Singularity mode as smooth as possible. Please stand 
by…” Then everything goes from normal matter and physics and is converted 
into Singularity AGI RAM. You see the earth with a disturbance wave going 
across the surface as it gets converted into memory. Then the physics start 
gettin’ weird from what people experience, everything starts floating, 
physics goes to on-demand per user. The average Joe then hears “Thank you. 
The transition to Singularity is now complete. We hope to continue serving you 
in your new simulatory state of being.”
        From: Joshua Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 4:01 AM
 To: singularity@v2.listbox.com
 Subject: Re: [singularity] mass-market Singularity fiction
      A nice idea would be a "Bad Singularity Science" website along the lines 
of  http://intuitor.com/moviephysics/ and 
 Like it or not, sci-fi is already the main gateway in making people aware 
about the Singularity  ("Terminator!" "Matrix!") and this should be used to 
 SIAI's "Three Laws" campaign http://www.asimovlaws.com was excellent, although 
if we are to take the model of those sites, the style would be a bit more 
entertainment-oriented (while still educating) .
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