On 2/16/08, Eric B. Ramsay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't know when Lanier wrote the following but I would be interested to 
> know what the AI folks here think about his critique (or direct me to a 
> thread where this was already discussed). Also would someone be able to 
> re-state his rainstorm thought experiment more clearly -- I am not sure I get 
> it:
>      http://www.jaronlanier.com/aichapter.html

The raindrop thought experiment seems like the only one worth
addressing, to me (the Turing Test argument just redefines word and
the pragmatic objection is guilty to the same). The raindrop
experiment is the argument that any physical process can be
interpreted to implement any computation and therefore any physical
process is conscious. Since this is absurd, it is concluded that the
notion of consciousness only requiring computation is false.

However, despite what is claimed, not every physical process can be
interpreted to do any computation. To do such an interpretation, you
have to do so after the fact: after all the raindrops have fallen, you
can assign their positions formal roles that correspond to
computation, but you can't *predict* what positions will be assigned
what roles ahead of the time - after all, they are just randomly
falling raindrops. You can't actually *use* the rainstorm to compute
anything, like you could use a computer - you have to first do the
computation yourself, then assign each state of the rainstorm a
position that corresponds to the steps in your previous computation.

http://consc.net/papers/rock.html is one article related to the topic
- there might be better ones, but this is the first one that came to
mind off-hand.

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