On Apr 6, 2008, at 8:55 AM, Richard Loosemore wrote:
What could be "compelling" about a project? (Novamente or any other). Artificial Intelligence is not a field that rests on a firm theoretical basis, because there is no science that says "this design should produce an intelligent machine because intelligence is KNOWN to be x and y and z, and this design unambiguously will produce something that satisfies x and y and z".

Every single AGI design in existence is a Suck It And See design. We will know if the design is correct if it is built and it works. Before that, the best that any outside investor can do is use their gut instinct to decide whether they think that it will work.

Even if every single AGI design in existence is fundamentally broken (and I would argue that a fair amount of AGI design is theoretically correct and merely unavoidably intractable), this is a false characterization. And at a minimum, it should be "no mathematics" rather than "no science".

Mathematical proof of validity of a new technology is largely superfluous with respect to whether or not a venture gets funded. Investors are not mathematicians, at least not in the sense that mathematical certainty of the correctness of the model would be compelling. If they trust the person enough to invest in them, they will generally trust that the esoteric mathematics behind the venture are correct as well. No one tries to actually understand the mathematics even if though they will give them a cursory glance -- that is your job.

Having had to sell breakthroughs in theoretical computer science before (unrelated to AGI), I would make the observation that investors in speculative technology do not really put much weight on what you "know" about the technology. After all, who are they going to ask if you are the presumptive leading authority in that field? They will verify that the current limitations you claim to be addressing exist and will want concise qualitative answers as to how these are being addressed that comport with their model of reality, but no one is going to dig through the mathematics and derive the result for themselves. Or at least, I am not familiar with cases that worked differently than this. The real problem is that most AGI designers cannot answer these basic questions in a satisfactory manner, which may or may not reflect what they "know".

J. Andrew Rogers

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