MI wrote:
Being able to abstract and then implement only those components and
mechanisms relevant to intelligence from all the data these better
brain scans provide?

If intelligence can be abstracted into "layers" (analogous to network
layers), establishing a set of performance indicators at each layer
and then increasing "the values" corresponding to these indicators
might probably provide a better measure of AGI's progress. Using that
model, increments of progress might then be much easier to identify,
verify and communicate even for the smallest increments.

Abstracting away the non-central-to-AI parts of the brain isn't necessary.

Try it this way (a possible, if not plausible path to AI).
1) Artificial knee/hip joints
2) Artificial corneas
3) Artificial retinas
4) Artificial cochlea
5) Artificial vertebrae
6) Nerve welds to rejoin severed spinal nerves
7) Artificial nerves
8) Artificial nerve welds to repair severed optic/aural nerves
9) Artificial visual or audio cortex
10) Repair of stroke damaged nerves
11) Replacement of damaged portions of the brain with artificial replacements (Hippocampus, etc.)
12) Repair of damaged brains in infants (birth defects)
13) continue on with gradually more significant replacements...at some point you'll hit an AGI.

P.S.: I think this is a workable approach, but one that will materialize too slowly to dominate. Still, we're already working on steps 2, 3, 4, & 5. Possibly also 6.

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