I'd be careful running sipx with anything less than 1GB.  We have never had 
success with anything less than 1GB....even with a small 5 user environment.  
After a while service like voicemail will slow until they don't respond.

Like other have noted, sipx is memory hungry.  If your looking for 
multi-tenant, we have had "fair" success with VMWare ESX and it's ability to 
memory share between VM's which helps a fair amount.


>>> Robert B <d...@spudland.com> 11/21/09 12:08 PM >>>

Okay -- working theory here. The thing in my environment which is"different" is 
that I am using OpenVZ.

I started running into issues with *fresh* installs immediately failingon 
service start-up. All kinds of Java JVM memory allocation errors.

First of all, with Sun's java is executed, if it sees more than 2GB ofresources 
it will run in "server" mode instead of "client" mode,allocating all kinds of 
memory it doesn't need -- and will start tothrow up if it can't allocate 
memory. If the sipXecs Wiki is easilyeditable, I am going to add this because 
it could be valuable.

To fix this first issue, change your jvm.cfg file as shown. You'llcomment the 
first line which tells java to assume server modeIF_SERVER_CLASS is true. After 
that, you'll add a new line that justsays that client mode is client mode, 
don't switch to server mode.Leave the rest of the file as-is.

#-client IF_SERVER_CLASS-server
-client KNOWN
-server KNOWN
-hotspot ALIASED_TO -client
-classic WARN
-native ERROR
-green ERROR

Second issue, and this is related to OpenVZ... Since it's a 
container"virtualization" platform, there are some things it can and cannot 
do.One of those being swap space. A container does not have its own swapspace. 
Everything appears as "real" memory in top and free:

             total      used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       2097152    1868740     228412          0          0         0
Swap:            0          0          0

But because the java processes appear to have both VIRT and RES 
memoryallocated, all of this is winding up real memory! The java processes'VIRT 
memory alone are using 1.5GB. Astounding if true.

So to get around this weirdness (obviously I can't run multiple sipXecsinstalls 
if every one of them needs 2gb of physical RAM without theprice going up 
rapidly), with OpenVZ I can provide it with physical RAMand swap space on the 
host system. This, in turn, gets presented asphysical RAM to the container.

I've successfully got sipXecs running with 256mb of RAM plus 1792mb ofswap, 
making the sipXecs container thing it has 2048mb of physical RAM.So far, 
everything works fine.

Now, I am not an expert with this stuff so everything I wrote above isprobably 
totally wrong... :) Please correct me if that's the case, Ireally want this to 
work and am anxious to learn more.

-- Robert

Tony Graziano wrote:The voicemail/media server aspect can be very heavy from 
aresources standpoint. Work is ongoing in 4.1 to replace the currentvoicemail 
system (will then utilize freeswitch), which should providelighter resource 
usage "I think".

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