On Sat, 2009-11-21 at 06:56 -0600, Robert B wrote:
> My situation is that I am attempting to overcome the non-existence of 
> "true" multi-tenant support (not meant as an insult) via running 
> multiple sipXecs PBXs inside of OpenVZ containers. I was drawn to 
> sipXecs over Asterisk for a variety of reasons, but the main was the 
> dramatically lower CPU resources required thanks to its proper handling 
> (or non-handling) of RTP streams.
> However, the usefulness of this approach rapidly dwindles if every 
> OpenVZ container is going to require 2GB or more of RAM...

I'm not sure exactly what phenomena you are seeing, although that may be
due to my lack of familiarity with your virtualization system.

But your general observation is correct:  If you want to run multiple
instances of sipXecs, the needed resources are the sum of the resources
needed by each instance.  If your customers are small, you can probably
do with 1 Gb per instance.  If your virtualization system is not good at
reallocating real resources among the virtual machines depending on
demand, you will have to take some care to pre-allocate RAM.

If your customers are small, 1 Gb per instance probably suffices.  How
much does an additional Gb cost these days?  (How much does an
additional server cost?)


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