On Mon, 2009-12-07 at 16:25 -0500, Burden, Mike wrote:
> I asked this once before, but maybe not in precise terms...
> Given that sipXecs cannot be dual-homed, if the sipXecs server is given
> a public IP address, does it create issues to have the phones behind
> NAT?

No.  There are (unusual) NATs in the world that would defeat the
compensation in sipXproxy, but most will work.  The main thing is to
turn _off_ any SIP "helpers" in the NAT routers if possible, and turn
_off_ any NAT compensation in the phones.

> If so, then do the phones need non-NAT access to the ITSP, or just
> non-NAT access to the sipXecs server?

Neither - the server will do media relay to deal with either or both
NATs as needed (and not when not needed).

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