On Fri, 2009-12-11 at 09:05 -0500, Lara Johnson wrote:
> Well, I tested the theory. I set up a brand new box and configured it
> exactly how my production system ran when I did. External users that
> are coming in through my ingate can register (you can see them in the
> register). And they can receive calls from internal users. 
> Though when they try to call an extension that’s inside or an outside
> number we get a 403 not authorized. The settings are the same as when
> we were running 3.10.2 and the calls worked then. I wonder if
> something in the permissions have changed in 4.0 to cause this issue. 
> In 3.10.x we had to remove all the dialing permissions from the dial
> plan to get users to be able to dial external numbers (on the sip
> trunks) from the outside. We did not have the issue with external
> users calling internal extensions or voicemail.
> Any ideas? I can get logs and send in if someone has an idea where
> they would like to look. Thanks.
> From: Lara Johnson 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 11:29 AM
> To: Picher, Michael; sipx-users@list.sipfoundry.org
> Subject: RE: [sipx-users] 4.0.2 Remote users & Authentication Realm
> problem
> I figured that was it, although I wish it were not the case, I really
> didn’t want to have to take down the system and rebuild it… it being a
> production system and all. Which is why I had to try it that way first
> to minimize downtime. 
> The only thing that I could find was that once it was using the FQDN
> as the authorization realm it doesn’t matter if you change its domain
> it still wants the realm as the FQDN, it configures my phones to do
> that and it doesn’t challenge them it seems. I even tried setting my
> SBC that proxies my external users to force it to use the FQDN and it
> just doesn’t want to do it that way.
> When I manually change the SIPX_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE_REALM in the
> sipXproxy-config file from the FQDN to the domain and restart the
> services the external users work just fine. Internally though
> everything starts acting strange and there’s just so many problems I
> wouldn’t even know where to begin. 
> I think I’ll schedule some downtime and reset the server and spend the
> time to redo it and see if that does the trick. 
> Lara
> From: Picher, Michael [mailto:mpic...@cmctechgroup.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 10:51 AM
> To: Lara Johnson; sipx-users@list.sipfoundry.org
> Subject: RE: [sipx-users] 4.0.2 Remote users & Authentication Realm
> problem
> I’ve tried with 4.0.x to change between the two and always end up
> having to rebuild the system…  You can export your users and import
> them to take some of the pain away.
> Maybe there’s a step I’m missing but I just can’t make things work
> right.  May have to do with the user accounts.
> Mike
> From:sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org
> [mailto:sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of Lara
> Johnson
> Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 9:33 AM
> To: sipx-users@list.sipfoundry.org
> Subject: [sipx-users] 4.0.2 Remote users & Authentication Realm
> problem
> I have a 4.0.2 box that I replaced 3.10.2 with. I ran two boxes and
> then switched the 4.0.2 live. I believe this may have caused a problem
> with authentication realms and my remote users.  The original box was
> using the straight domain as the sip domain, while the 4.0.2 box used
> a FQDN until it went live. 
> Internally all calls are working properly. Incoming calls come in and
> go out. We can call remote users from inside. 
> Remote users, however, are showing up in the registrations (through an
> ingate as a b2bua and proxy) like they did in 3.10.2, however they
> cannot call extensions that are inside the office (not
> connected/registered remotely) or dial out to any other numbers. Upon
> viewing a packet capture I get a 407 Authorization required. 
> When I did some digging, the sipxecs-config file has the FQDN as the
> authorization realm. If I manually change it to the domain name only,
> all my external users start working, but internally things mess up
> (transfers do not work, calls inbound have problems). I change it back
> and everything is fine internally again.
> Is this because I switched from FQDN to domain name only? Should I
> reinstall the 4.0.2 box and set it up with the domain name only from
> the beginning? Does anyone know a way to work around this?

Probably what's happening is that you have permissions on a dial plan
that goes out the InGate to a SIP trunk, and the calls to your remote
users match the pattern for those rules.

Do you have a dial plan that goes to the InGate as a gateway and matches
the same number of digits that your users have for their extensions?

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