On Mon, 2010-01-18 at 13:36 -0500, Michael Scheidell wrote:
> installed and working, see lots of pretty xml using more when I trace
> a call that went through.
> but, when I trace the failed calls:
> sipx-trace --all-components --output /tmp/sipxtrace.txt 561706xxxx@
> I get this:
>  more /tmp/sipxtrace.txt 
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
> <sipTrace>
> </sipTrace>
> so, I don't think its sip, I think its dialplan or permissions.
> I can't find anything that will help diagnose that.

That is the XML of an empty "siptrace" file, which means that there were
no SIP messages that matched your selection criteria.  The most common
cause is that you didn't enable message-level logging on the components
and restart them.  The next most common cause is that your selection
criteria somehow don't match the messages.

One possibility is that the phone isn't sending an INVITE at all due to
some configuration problem.  Another is that your selection criterion
includes a phone number, but the phone isn't sending the destination
number in exactly the same format.

One way to defeat that is to select on only the string of digits which
is the "extension" part of a number, leaving off any "exchange" digits
or dialing codes which you think the phone would send.  (E.g., my desk
phone has the internal number 248-5505, with 248 being the code of this
office location.  So I would search for "5505", which should capture
every call my phone originates.)

Another possibility is that the call doesn't reach the sipXecs system at
all.  If the origin isn't a phone that is directly (LAN) connected to
sipXecs, start with packet captures on the same physical subnet the
originator is on, and work your way towards sipXecs.


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