On Thu, 18 Nov 2010, Bryan Anderson wrote:

> All phones get their IP's from the DHCP server distributed 
> on the SipXecs ISO.

It is not unheard of for a MAC address, which is used to try 
to ensure uniqueness of IP assigmment to be duplicated by a 
hardware vendor [I have some specialty hardware that 
intentionally does just that] ; similarly an IP assignment 
pool can sometimes be exhausted

IP conflicts on a lan can cause failures.

I think I would be firing up tcpdump on the monitor port of a 
switch, or setting up hubbed fabric between the DHCP server 
and the rest of the LAN, and watching the DHCP assignment 
conversations closely [port 68] as I plugged and unplugged 
units at this point

something like:
        tcpdump -i eth0 -nN -xX -s 1500 port 68

see for more details:

-- Russ herrold
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