I think the way to approach this is with a feature request in the JIRA.

I don't know that this is the way to go (Hylafax/Avantfax). Reasonably
the user portal could be modified to be able to upload and send faxes.
At the same time there is an established protocol, called t.37, to
send faxes via email.

I've delved into Hylafax and others and don't see they are scalable or
flexible nor are they active communities to draw support from.

Sipx has all the framework to do this with what it already has by
building in the functionality into the user portal or by adding t.37
support to it.


The original JIRA (above) had suggested 9 items.The core items needed
are already implemented. There were a few suggestions that just
"didn't matter" (I know, I wrote those).

The core IVR items (IVR changes to tell you how many faxes and
accessing stored faxes via sipxui) have not been done yet, and when
they are scheduled this would be the time to suggest uploading files
for sending faxes out or additng t.37 support. Freeswitch is very
capable of doing either of these.

In any case, a new JIRA is probably warranted and votes would matter.

In the meantime, there are several simple, diskless appliances that do
this today. Alternately, an ATA with t.38 support can be connected to
a fax machine and it will work if the PSTN connection is able to
support t.38 also (we do it all the time).

If the votes don't accumulate, I don't see how it would make sense to
spend the manpower to do it. To some organizations faxes are
important, but certainly the volume in most organizations is

The dialplan stuff is easy, the portal stuff might be a little more
time consuming, and so would the IVR stuff.

On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 8:20 PM, m...@grounded.net <m...@grounded.net> wrote:
> I believe I saw a thread a while back where someone was asking about sending 
> faxes. Some searching shows that some have asked but that there are no plans.
> Is this still the case or are others interested in this? Even a shared 
> outgoing account as a 'group' would be so very welcome and would instantly 
> eliminate our having to use additional hylafax/avantfax servers just for this 
> function. It would be way nicer to be able to tell potential customers that 
> everything can be done from the one system.
> Mike
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