> Pointedly they dont have a way to use t38modem in a way that works.
> Never have thats why noone uses hylafax in t38 deployments. You still
> have to use hardware between hylafax and your t.38 switch. So if you
> put up a separate hylafax box us an ATA and be done with it. It cant
> really integrate.

I tried getting the t.38 virtual modems to work a while back but ran out of 
time and didn't get it to work. I've seen others in the hylafax list talking 
about using those but haven't paid that much attention. Maybe they work well 

As for the ATA, that's how we've been doing it for those who need a fax 
interface but some prefer having both a physical fax and a virtual fax such as 
the avantfax gui. Some just want the virtual gui only. 

If sipx had outgoing, the hylafax/avantfax setup would instantly get removed 
solving a big headache. 

Where do I vote and can I vote multiple times? :)

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