On 04/18/2012 06:15 PM, Tony Graziano wrote:
You shouldn't invite violence. I have been known to clobber people with iPads.
Why am I not surprised by this?

I think the wiki could be clearer, but really I think you are the only one to make the leap from Bria is bria is bria is bria. It ain't, but sipfoundry doesn't manuafcture it either. Bria has undergone numerous name changes in the last 3 or four years. I look for the names to change "yet again", because why leave something the same?
I am not the only one who has been confused on this point. I have all the emails from this list for the past year and a half or more. There have been several people who have been confused about this. I know sipfoundry does not manufacturer Bria, but you are saying that it is supported by your software and therefore it is to your advantage to help your users/customers use your product with whatever different versions exist of the third party software you say you are interoperable with.

Thanks for making my point about not taking a users view of things.

You guys do realize that the people that use your product are your customers, right? I know no money changes hands, but you are creating this for people to use, correct? You want companies big AND small to embrace your product, correct? There are a number of potential users/customers who have left your product because they could not get the help they thought they needed.

Give people more information than they need? That's been done, numerous times. When they can't follow directions the first few times, you have to beat them over the head with an iPad and chant "DNS DNS DNS".
I love how you never let go of that bone! You are right, DNS is very important and I have some things which still need to be configured. The problem is that I do not think the DNS wiki page is perfectly clear and I have been give contradictory info on this forum - again, its free support offered by the sipX community which includes old hats, newbies, developers and users so that happens. I was told that sipX sets up everything correctly and that I do not need external DNS SRV records, but that was not correct. It makes perfect sense now that I would need them.

Understand then fix your DNS and stop ranting to the masses who already get that.
Ahh, just "Understand". It is easy to wave that wand when it is something you are very familiar with. You might be one of those very gifted people who instantly understands everything the first time they see it. I'm happy for you - really. However, on the whole, God has gifted different people with different abilities. The thing which is easy for one, may very very difficult for another.

DNS, DNS, DNS! What beautiful words! On to DNS!

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 5:44 PM, Stiles Watson <wat...@datatek-net.com <mailto:wat...@datatek-net.com>> wrote:

    I'm not sure what there is to 'get'. I thought the point of the
    wiki was to explain how to set things up. I was directed to the
    Bria page on the wiki when asked about Bria and iphone (the page
    even mentions iphone...). However, the info there has nothing to
    do with Bria on iphone. I was offering to provide clarification
    for others so they are not confused when they look at the wiki
    page and then look at the iphone settings and see little or no

    You guys on the sipX team have done a great job and have produced
    and continue to produce a great open source product, but more
    times than not you guys take a programmers view of things instead
    of a users view. This is what make the difference between products
    that go on to be great and widely embraced  and products which are
    great functionally, but are never embraced by the masses (or
    products which people are forced to use, but hate using). Why do
    you think Apple has boat loads of cash on hand in a down economy
    even though they do not own the lion share of either the desktop
    or server market? It is because they focus on the user and make it
    easy for them to get done what they need to get done. The iphone
    revolutionized the smart phone market. Why? They did not have any
    new wiz-bang feratures (they actually had less), but they focused
    on the user and made it easier to use. Everyone else has been
    playing catch up (yes, you can argue that certain Andriod devices
    are better, but they followed iphone).

    Explain everything, teach people, give people more info then they

    I've seen so many technically good products go down the toilet
    because the programmers could never see things from a users
    perspective. They turned their noses up at them instead. And in
    return? The users went somewhere else and the project died.

    Just my ten cents. The rant is over and everyone can beat me up now.


    On 04/18/2012 04:31 PM, Tony Graziano wrote:

    I don't get you. Counterpath has a product for the desktop that
    can be centrally provisioned. Their mobile devices can't (yet).

    Maybe we can create a stiles.wiki. JK.

    I think the wiki might benefit from a mobile apps section, but it
    requires proper layout for and could use a simple table layout
    for how to configure for most products and OS's.

    The key here is testing functionalities and features, etc.

    On Apr 18, 2012 4:07 PM, "Stiles Watson" <wat...@datatek-net.com
    <mailto:wat...@datatek-net.com>> wrote:

        So can the wiki be updated to reflect the differences in Bria
        for iphone/ipod touch?

          * Use SIP password not PIN
          * No Provisioning server
          * Under "Account advanced", you need to enter Out. Proxy
            and Auth Name

        I do not know what the approval process is, but if I can get
        a login, I'd be happy to do it. Could also enter settings for


        On 04/18/2012 03:50 PM, Stiles Watson wrote:
        Not sure what the deal was, but I sent the profile AGIAN,
        set the password to the SIP password, not PIN and it registered.


        On 04/18/2012 03:22 PM, Stiles Watson wrote:
        I am unable to register via Bria for ipod touch. I'm
        connected via wifi on the office network. I get
        Unauthorized (401).

        Here are my settings:

        Account Name: 295
        Enabled: ON

        Username: 295
        Password: (I've tried both PIN and SIP)
        Domain: datatek-net.com <http://datatek-net.com>

        Under "Account Advanced"

        Out. Proxy: sipx.datatek-net.com <http://sipx.datatek-net.com>
        Auth Name: 295

        There are no other settings to enter and there is no place
        to enter a Provisioning Server as mentioned on the wiki page:


        As I mentioned in an earlier email. I was able to get
        Media5Fone working on an iphone with the same settings above.

        Any thoughts?



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