On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 12:13 PM, m...@grounded.net <m...@grounded.net>wrote:

> So, got a conference call from sales and the vise president of Appia this
> morning, wanting to make sure I had proper information.
> He explained that he wanted to make sure that if there is any confusion,
> that I get first hand information concerning any possible hardware being
> offered on port 5080.
> He explained that Tony has provided all of the information about his use
> of port 5080 because as far as he knows, Tony's testing was a bust, nothing
> ever worked right and that was that. (I'm not saying that Tony, he did,
> just relaying)

I beg to differ. The only thing that has been a bust was the fact their
sales channel guy could never keep appointments with me, etc. BOTH worked,
and I relayed this to them, but they have a horrible
helpdesk/communications platform AND they insist on wasting my time to
schedule installations. They are clearly old school telecom guys and have
to have a flippin' excel spreadsheet for WTF I dunno. It's moronic. Every
time I turn something up, I get sproadic emails weeks later from their
el-cheapo helpdesk portal.

> He further added that Tony has been the one and ONLY person to ever do
> testing on port 5080 on that platform and that nothing much had come from
> the testing which was their original reason for getting everyone off of the
> old platform and onto their new one which doesn't yet support 5080.

Im on it and used for both IP and registration.

> He concluded by telling me that development is very much actively testing
> port 5080 and that it will be released only when it is absolutely sure that
> things are working right so that resellers do not suffer in any way from
> that release.
> So, there is no port 5080 being offered by Appia though it is in the works
> and will be released as soon as possible.
> Mike
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