Hi Bela:
Can you check the resulting CD's isolinux/syslinux.cfg to make sure that the append statements are actually there?  It should look something like:

LABEL systemimager
KERNEL kernel
APPEND vga=extended initrd=initrd.img root=/dev/ram tmpfs_size=2G tmpfs_nr_inodes=2000
I just tested my 3.6.3 RPMs and I can specify the tmpfs size without any problems, the command I used was:
si_mkautoinstallcd --append "tmpfs_size=2G tmpfs_nr_inodes=2000" --out-file /tmp/test.iso
What's the build date of your 3.6.3 RPMs, mine are: Mon 09 Jan 2006 09:31:01 PM PST

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of B. Erdelyi
Sent: Thu 26/01/2006 08:16
To: sisuite-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: [Sisuite-users] Problem with mkautoinstallcd tmpfs



No I am not using LVM, the source fstab shows:


LABEL=/           /           ext3      default   1 1

LABEL=/boot     /boot     ext3      default   1 2

none                 /devpts  devpts   gid=5,mode=620            0 0

none                 /dev/shm           tmpfs    default   0 0

none                 /dev/proc           proc      default   0 0

/dev/cciss/c0d0p3          swap     swap     default   0 0

dev/cdrom         /mnt/cdrom        udf,iso9660 …

de/fd0               /mnt/floppy        auto 


and sfdisk on the source shows three partitions p1, p2, p3 (/, /boot and swap) for /dev/cciss/c0d0, which size is 142253280.  This corresponds with what SI tries to create as a dev/cciss/c0d0 of the same size on the target, with part1, part2, part3 components.





P.S. My first transmissions don’t seem to post to this list for some reason.  The second time it works, don’t know why.  I apologize if this appears as a duplicate post but after 3 days I have not seen the post on the site.  I do receive each message via email from the list however.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bernard Li
Saturday, January 21, 2006 7:33 PM
sisuite-users@lists.sourceforge.net; sisuite-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: [Sisuite-users] Problem with mkautoinstallcd tmpfs


Are you using LVM?






From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of B. Erdelyi
Sent: Fri 20/01/2006
Subject: [Sisuite-users] Problem with mkautoinstallcd tmpfs



I am attempting an image install with si_mkautoinstallcd using SI 3.6.3.  The tmpfs mounted as / is not large enough to create the entire file structure.  The process ends with tmpfs 99% full.


I have attempted to specify the –append option to si_mkautoinstallcd with various values without success.  The following parameters were specified:


tmpfs_size=2G tmpfs_nr_inodes=2000”

tmpfs_size=1g tmpfs_nr_inodes=1000”



Regardless, tmpfs is created each time the same size with or without the mount options specified at: 452,788 1-k blocks.  This is weird since the machine has 2G of RAM, I would expect to see a default tmpfs mount of about 1G.


It seems that si_mkautoinstallcd is not passing the arguments to the mount tmpfs command.  Is there a place in the scripts where I could explicitly specify the tmpfs mount options?  I have searched the autoinstall and SystemImager::Server.pm scripts, but I cannot find the logical place to impact a change


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