Trimming my response so it goes through...

From: Bernard Li
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 11:26
To: ''
Subject: RE: [Sisuite-users] Problem with mkautoinstallcd tmpfs

If you want to work around it, modify si_mkautoinstallcd.
It's still weird that it doesn't work for you.  Can you show me the output of 'rpm -qa | grep systemimager'?
Also, are you on x86_64 or i386?
I tested it on i386, perhaps you are on x86_64 and there is a bug in the code?

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of B. Erdelyi
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 11:20
Subject: RE: [Sisuite-users] Problem with mkautoinstallcd tmpfs

Hi Bernard,


Checked the CD's isolinux/syslinux.cfg, tmpfs values are not being appended.  For each LABEL systemimager, kernel, linux and boel the APPEND entry contains the same line:


APPEND vga=extended initrd=initrd.img root=/dev/ram


I just issued the following commands:


si_mkautoinstallcd --flavor standard --append "tmpfs_size=2G tmpfs_nr_inodes=2000" --out-file test1.iso


si_mkautoinstallcd --append "tmpfs_size=1g" --out-file test2.iso


Neither one created a correct syslinux.cfg.


In reference to the 3.6.3 RPM build it has a date of Tue 10 Jan 2006 on host


It seems like I suspected that the tmpfs parameters are not being passed on.  Now I see that this is happening at the mkautoinstallcd step.


Is there a script that I can modify to correct this as a quick temporary fix?






Hi Bela:


Can you check the resulting CD's isolinux/syslinux.cfg to make sure that the append statements are actually there?  It should look something like:

LABEL systemimager
KERNEL kernel
APPEND vga=extended initrd=initrd.img root=/dev/ram tmpfs_size=2G tmpfs_nr_inodes=2000


I just tested my 3.6.3 RPMs and I can specify the tmpfs size without any problems, the command I used was:


si_mkautoinstallcd --append "tmpfs_size=2G tmpfs_nr_inodes=2000" --out-file /tmp/test.iso


What's the build date of your 3.6.3 RPMs, mine are: Mon 09 Jan 2006 09:31:01 PM PST





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