Scripts that individually are using more memory than the maximum
guaranteed, and scripts that have been added after enough scripts with
the minimum guaranteed have already been added tot he parcel go to the
separated slow mode. Scripts in the slow mode that are using the least
memory bellow the maximum guranteed have priority for being upgraded
back to fast mode when enough memory for it has been released in the parcel.

Imaze Rhiano escreveu:
> This is basically what is happening currently when scripts in SIM are
> using more memory than SIM have available - it starts swapping memory
> to file. And because this is slow - it will lead to ebil lag monsters.
> Problem with "moving scripts that are using more memory available" is
> problematic - like how you decide what script is using too much
> memory? And if you can detect - how you decide what scripts from those
> "bad scripts" are moved to slower "lag" thread?
> Tigro Spottystripes kirjoitti:
>> Can't the sim code be made multithreaded and have scripts that are using
>> more memory than is avaiable be moved to a sepárated thread that runs on
>> virtual ram only, so people can have fast memory hogs if there is enough
>> memory left, but if other scripts need it, the memory hogs get
>> downgraded to slower mode and don't use the physical ram, nor get in the
>> way of other things in the sim. ?
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