Follow up.  Well I'm back to successful compiles and launching again but
still have the original problem of  massive LNK4099 warnings (mostly about
the APR-1 library) which prevents me from setting breakpoints etc. in the
affected sub projects.  They default to linking as no debug.

Again, I'm using XP pro.  VS2005 Enterprise fully installed (All updates on
Auto).  VS2008 is also installed but not used.

After extracting the zips to C:\SnowGlobe I ran -G VC80 from the
console while in indra\newview.  Seemed to work fine.  (Got lots of CMAKE
passing messages).  Next I ran build the same way.  All using
python 2.6.

After all that, I opened VS2005 and opened the solution.  Been working in
the ide ever since. (about 4 days).  Eventually now have fought my way back
to that original problem.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Laurence Brickner
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 11:53
To: 'Mike Monkowski'
Cc: 'SLDev Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [sldev] Maybe I'm making progress

I downloaded the recommended three Snowglobe zips from here

It says it is Ver 1.24 dated 18 Nov 2009.  And Robin was correct.  Although
the exe file was set to the right working directory, ALL_BUILD was not.  So
I'm trying again.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Monkowski [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 11:34
Cc: 'SLDev Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [sldev] Maybe I'm making progress

I'm not sure what 1.24 is.  Snowglobe is at 1.3 I believe.
However, the problem is most likely that your working directory is set 
to the wrong place.  Unless you've changed colors_base.xml, then it's 
probably your fault. :-)

Laurence Brickner wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've restarted this 1.24 build project several times.  And found things 
> I was doing wrong.  For example, I was working from folders on the desk 
> top.  Obviously, that path has spaces in it.
> Anyway, at this point I get the following error when launching 
> Secondlife-bin.exe from 
> C:\SnowGlobe\linden\indra\build-vc80\newview\relwithdebinfo.  It's the 
> same from within VS ide or with a short cut or directly in Windows
> "ERROR: LLControlGroup::getColor: Invalid getColor control
> Any ideas?  Should I abandon the last release and start working from 
> Trunk?  Should I join the Foreign Legion?

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