The warnings are usual, but they don't prevent me from debugging.  Which 
sub projects are you trying to breakpoint?


Laurence Brickner wrote:
> Follow up.  Well I'm back to successful compiles and launching again but
> still have the original problem of  massive LNK4099 warnings (mostly about
> the APR-1 library) which prevents me from setting breakpoints etc. in the
> affected sub projects.  They default to linking as no debug.
> Again, I'm using XP pro.  VS2005 Enterprise fully installed (All updates on
> Auto).  VS2008 is also installed but not used.
> After extracting the zips to C:\SnowGlobe I ran -G VC80 from the
> console while in indra\newview.  Seemed to work fine.  (Got lots of CMAKE
> passing messages).  Next I ran build the same way.  All using
> python 2.6.
> After all that, I opened VS2005 and opened the solution.  Been working in
> the ide ever since. (about 4 days).  Eventually now have fought my way back
> to that original problem.
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