My understanding of the media plugin is that it provides functionality 
similar to a browser plugin.  It can display on either an internal 
browser window or on the parcel media texture, but only the local viewer 
sees it on the parcel media.  It's not clear to me whether it must be 
streamed to parcel media to appear on the parcel media texture, though.

So it seems to me that as far as drawing on prims, the only advantage it 
offers over an external web application is that you can indicate points 
on the texture displayed on a prim surface as it would be seen.

I see a lot of people suggesting that the media plugin can add a lot of 
functionality beyond an external web app, but I don't see how.

Am I misunderstanding this?


Lawson English wrote:
> Rustam Rakhimov wrote:
>>I think you didn't get my question.
>>I wanna realize something like MS Paint program. LIke you will choose 
>>some paint brush then using this brush you will draw anything on BOX 
>>for example. And the main thing what I want is, to be available draw 
>>from any point, I mean from any angle you be allowed to draw.
>>That's my GOAL
> There are facilities for the media plugin to track mouse and keyboard 
> input. I suspect they are based on the same internal viewer functions 
> that send data to the touch functions in LSL. Getting them to work with 
> the media plugin may be reasonably easy. The trick would be letting 
> everyone else in a sim see them. Using LSL touch functions you can rez 
> temp prims at various positions along the surface of the prim you are 
> drawing on. The drawback is that it may take hundreds, or even a 
> thousand or so prims to make a complicated drawing and much of it will 
> be gone within a few seconds that you finish the drawing if not before, 
> but at least everyone else can see them.
> An alternative method is to use a drawing app displayed on a webpage and 
> let the user draw on the webpage. This requires the webkit media plugin 
> to work and I'm not sure how reliable it is yet but everyone watching 
> the webpage could see what is being drawn.
> Other alternatives would be some kind of VNC on a prim ala Aimee's 
> Recursive Life demo. That goes back to the question of how to display 
> the image for everyone else to see.
> My own [proposed] solution is to do some kind of VNC thing via a 
> mediaplugin so that the lecturer/artist can have realtime control of 
> what is drawing, and then rebroadcast it via streaming media. This would 
> cause about a 10 second lag for the audience from what I have seen and 
> from talking to people who use media streaming for lectures.
> There are no doubt more complicated and interesting strategies 
> available. I'm hoping to get rendering from squeak smalltalk to media 
> plugin working locally reasonably soon now. Getting it to the point 
> where others can see it will be a lot more work, I suspect.
> I've got a few diagrams and examples of what people have already 
> done/are trying to do listed on a wiki page:
> Lawson
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