On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 02:40:51PM +0000, Aimee Trescothick wrote:
> The easiest and most versatile way to do this is almost certainly to use the
> existing Webkit plugin, by providing the application as a web service that you
> could place on a prim like any other webpage, with synchronisation being
> handled by the web server in the same way as things like http://etherpad.com/ 
> As a generic web service you are then not limited to using it only in-world,
> you could open the same webpage on your iPhone or whatever and have what you
> draw appear directly on the prim in SL. Once you've finished, save the image
> and upload it to SL for permanent use.

It's not that straight forward if you want to be able to draw on the prim.
The most interesting application of this is drawing clothes and skins
directly onto the avatar. That will require *new* code to convert mouse position
and direction into pixel coordinates and intensity of the underlaying

Carlo Wood <ca...@alinoe.com>
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