
On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 10:39 PM, Lawson English <lengli...@cox.net> wrote:

> There are facilities for the media plugin to track mouse and keyboard
> input. [...] Getting them to work with
> the media plugin may be reasonably easy.

There is an example plug in in indra/test_apps/llplugintest called
demo_media_plugin_2.cpp . It does track mouse movement on the media prim and
draw "à la Paint" on it. It's primitive but it's a demo. I tried it some
months ago and it worked fine then, I haven't tried recently I need to

The trick would be letting
> everyone else in a sim see them.

Yes, that's the problem: if you're trying to get a user to paint in a
texture IW for his/her own enjoyment and profit (may be saving and uploading
the texture), mediaplugin should be fine. If you're trying to do
collaborative painting, that's another story. There's no mechanism to p2p
share the texture built in, though, as I'm saying this, I'm realizing that
creating such a plugin should be possible (see Aimee's VNC plugin demo for
an example of p2p texture sharing).

> Other alternatives would be some kind of VNC on a prim ala Aimee's
> Recursive Life demo. That goes back to the question of how to display
> the image for everyone else to see.

May be Aimee could share some insights here.

For sure, a collaborative p2p paint plugin would be a pretty cool plugin!

- Merov
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