I only have a couple comments based on the wiki and email threads.

> The Apache Felix Maven Bundle Plugin we use to build the Sling bundles converts Maven version numbers > to correct OSGi version numbers. For example, the version 2.0.0- incubator-SNAPSHOT is converted to
> 2.0.0.incubator-SNAPSHOT.

Why not just keep the names the same? Both end in -SNAPSHOT which seems to satisfy the maven pattern.

On the jackrabbit project 1.4-SNAPSHOT becomes 1.4 at release and a new release is started, this is a nice simple model. However, in your model we have this even/odd flip. The issue, I guess, is that OSGI wants and not What if we always have which gets promoted to Do the semantics of state that it is newer than since it is a revision of that which gives rise to the need for a revision flip? The problem I see is in speaking of a release, for example, if we are all working on release 2.0 we would be checking out version 1.9.incubator-SNAPSHOT which is a bit confusing no? Is the problem with going from 2.0.incubator-SNAPSHOT to 2.0 a problem with OSGi recognizing the .incubator-SNAPSHOT release as newer than 2.0 or is it purely a human thing? If a human thing I think it is understandable that 2.0 would be the release version whereas the .incubator-SNAPSHOT release is not. Perhaps (assuming that this isn't a problem for the OSGi container) we could use the word .dev- SNAPSHOT or something to be more clear.


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