Felix Meschberger wrote
I don't know - perhaps we could define this in a separate pom and then use the assembly plugin, or we can write a custom plugin. I've written a plugin that assembles all used bundles (from the dependencies) and puts them into a folder.

... from the dependencies ... : Which dependencies ? Transitive ? Would
this list then be "correct" ?

Sure, my plugin is not able to create something "incorrect" :)
The app (standalone, webapp) could have a dependency to another maven project that just lists all contained bundles. The plugin is invoked on the app, traverses the deps (including transitive ones) and adds the found bundles.

The list is nearly correct, only if you have a provided dependency on a lib that is not a bundle, the corresponding wrapper bundle needs to be added manually. But I think, we don't have this case in Sling.

Carsten Ziegeler

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