On Jun 11, 2008, at 10:43 PM, Jukka Zitting wrote:
On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 7:46 AM, Roy T. Fielding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am struggling to understand what is going on here. LICENSE and NOTICE refer to the copyrightable material in *this* package. Surely we don't
distribute Derby and Xerces in *this* package, do we?  Jetty?  WTF?

We do. The tricky thing with Maven is that even though the source
release doesn't contain the dependencies, the build result still ends
up containing them. Thus we have things like the Sling app and Sling
webapp binaries that come with all the dependencies inside them.

Like I said, what happens after you run maven has nothing to do with
the contents of NOTICE and LICENSE in our subversion, which only
refers to the source release.  We cannot place restrictions on
downstream consumers of our source code that do not exist in the
source -- that would be releasing our own work under non-AL licenses.

Also, to make matters even more interesting, AFAIK the plan is to also
make each individual bundle artifact (some with, some without included
dependencies) available in the Maven repository, so we should have
proper NOTICEs also for those bits.

Well, whoever puts them there had better obey the required licenses
of whatever is redistributed.  I wish we could just write a script
that generates all of these silly bundles instead of populating the
repository with deep trees.

I raised the generic issue on legal-discuss@ (see [1]) to gather
feedback on how to best handle that complexity.

[1] http://markmail.org/message/bttmkavpicxxg7gl

PS. Of course, we could do just a source release to get started... :-)

Once again, with feeling... the ASF only does source releases.

All these binaries that you are creating are just things that
you release, not the ASF.  The LICENSE and NOTICE files will
be different in each of those binaries.  If we need to manage
them within the source tree, then they should be clearly delineated
from the source NOTICE/LICENSE files.  I would put them inside
the build script itself, but I guess the bundle manifest
resource directories would do just as well.

In any case, it should not be so hard for me to figure out what
the Sling release is supposed to contain.  I am not kidding.
An Apache release requires documentation on what it is and how
the user is expected to build it and then how to get started.
That means translating the interesting selection of random wiki
notes into at least one README that explains what this bag of
bits is intended to do, how to build it, an idea on first steps,
and links to the published website for more information.
Right now we only have a short "run maven" instruction and
a link to some out-of-date wiki discussion.  I wish I could
write something up and commit it for the project, but that's
beyond my level of clue this week (and I've got too much else
to do before my trip to Basel this weekend).


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