On Jun 13, 2008, at 12:54 AM, Jukka Zitting wrote:
- The src/main/resources/META-INF(LICENSE file has no reference
 to the LICENSE.slf4j file

The LICENSE.* files seem pretty obvious, so I'm not sure if the
reference is really needed. I'd say we either leave it as is (no
references), or include all the license information in the single

The LICENSE file needs to answer the question: what is the license for
this bundle/compilation as a redistributable unit?  You should assume
that it will be taken out of context (printed or included in third-party
docs), so the fact that there are other files nearby is not sufficient.
I would list them by reference.  httpd includes them in one big file.

- The src/main/resources/META-INF/NOTICE file contains an
 attribution of the SLF4J libraries. As I can see no requirement
 for such an attribution, I am not sure, whether this is required ?

The license calls for the "copyright notice [...] shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software", and AFAIUI (and I
may be wrong) the NOTICE file is the place for such copyright notices
even when they are also included in the LICENSE file.

The NOTICE file is only supposed to contain attributions that
are relevant to the package.  The board made a mess of that when
they added the collation copyright notice.  However, since the license
states that irrelevant notices can be removed from the NOTICE file,
we only need to include the words that remain relevant to the
distributed work. For example, the Jetty and Derby stuff can be trimmed
down to just the attributions -- the rest is actually present in the
Derby and Jetty jar files and need not be repeated outside.
I meant to do that today, but ran out of time (it's past 2am here).


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