On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Vidar Ramdal <vi...@idium.no> wrote:
> Ah, sorry, I see that my message was confusing.
> What I mean is considering resourceType when posting NEW content. That
> would imply picking it up from the request params (the posted data),
> as you say below.
> Let's say I have a script at /apps/test/something/POST.esp.
> Now, I POST some data to /testcontent:
> name: testcontent
> sling:resourceType: test/something
> Because /testcontent did not already exist, the POST.esp script is not
> run. However, when I do the exact same request again, the script is
> invoked, producing a different result. This seems illogical to me.

I don't think the client should be able to define the resource type.
This is clearly something that must be defined by the server.

> Yes, but you would have to implement that logic in a generic POST
> servlet/script, which would examine the resourceType field of the
> posted data, before forwarding.

Non-existing resources have the sling:nonexisting resource type, which
will soon also include selectors and extension in the resolution
process (SLING-864).


Alexander Klimetschek

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