On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Alexander Klimetschek <aklim...@day.com> wrote:

> I don't think the client should be able to define the resource type.
> This is clearly something that must be defined by the server.

Hmmm. IMHO, the client is already defining the resource type (by
posting the sling:resourceType field).
Remember that I'm only talking about content that is being created.
When the client is posting new content (that the server doesn't
already know), I'd say the client knows more about the resource type
than the server does.

>> Yes, but you would have to implement that logic in a generic POST
>> servlet/script, which would examine the resourceType field of the
>> posted data, before forwarding.
> Non-existing resources have the sling:nonexisting resource type, which
> will soon also include selectors and extension in the resolution
> process (SLING-864).

Ah, true. That'll solve my case anyway. Thanks for pointing out.

Vidar S. Ramdal <vi...@idium.no> - http://www.idium.no
Akersgata 16, N-0158 Oslo, Norway

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