On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, Terry Collins wrote:
> I'm not having a go at Jon or defending MS, but
Thanks Terry.,...:-)
> > When all that was needed was to change the BOOTGUI=0 to BOOTGUI=1 in
> > the (scratches head) boot.ini file (file might be wrong).
> >
> > Again, claimed that they didn't teach anything like this.
> Can someone tell me when this problem would really occur in real life?
Yes - there are some badly-behaved apps (don't ask me to name them - as
I haven't seen this for a few years) that trash the boot.ini - I think
it was a POS app. that I first saw this on - it gave you the option in
boot.ini to boot directly into the "DOS" version, or to go to the GUI
version.... I have seen other apps that will knacker the boot.ini file
as well.
> > These are the sorts of things that Cisco will do to you when doing a
> > CCNA/CCIE course - goodies like sticking a pin through yout CAT5 cable
> > to create a short, then trimming off the ends so you have to FEEL for
> > it.
> Really?, I'd say CISCO Certification is sus. If the cables is sus,
> apply side cutters and get a new one.
Yes, quite correct procedure, and exactly what they are looking for...
The trick is: will student waste time trying to troubleshoot the system
or start with the basics first - apply cable tester - cable is faulty -
new cable installed - system works...
> I've been "blessed" by working with a whole pile of techo's over the
> years who can do all these wonderful things, but when it came down to
> business, they were totally useless. I even sat through an interview
> last Monday where the technically very good IT Manager was going to
> get it in the neck (unbeknown to him) because he wasn't responding to
> business problems.
I have the opposite (sort of) problem... Mty manager who, blessed that
I am, is based in Melbourne, is very pro-business and so-so technically
(knows his routing ans switching protocols very well, but nix about
*nix, NT or AIX (the three OS's we use) - this works well, as he
insulates us techos from the suits and lets us get on with our work.
He also knows us well enough to trust our judgement and, in a critical
outage, if we say "we need to do this and this NOW", 99% of the time
we won't need to justify anything - just get the network up again so
the business can function.
Mind you, his post-mortems can be a nightmare, but they too are to our
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