> The people sending .doc files were definately at a disadvantage, however
> the format of their CV was not the determining factor in choosing who 
> got the job.

But you're a well-informed engineer type. :)

The only little addition that I'd make is that - when dealing with *pimps*
(not directly with employers) - regardless of the *format* of the document
- a *document* generally must be sent to all pimps. A link generally
doesn't suffice, as most pimps take your document and stuff it into a
database of sorts. Needless to say, a web-based CV would cause the
majority of pimps a huge technical headache to (oh my gosh!) .. download
it and save the file somewhere.

You'll also find that most pimps do simple pattern matching on their CV
databases for their "recruiters" to make the initial contact with you
(which is why in some cases you get calls by people who ask you if you
know ASC2 format or a programming language called TCP/IP).


PhD. Pimpology and Contractorism (U.N.S.W.)

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