
> To second the motion, I have had some intermittent problems with the intel
> 82559. On a Slackware 7.1 box, it seemed to work fine for a week or more
> would occasionally dump the interface with errors similar to
> RX buffer not available
> TX buffer not available
> Rebooting (eek!) was necessary to bring it back on line.
> It might have been a driver issue... but I would have thought 7.1 would be
> fairly up to date...  Anyways I ripped it out and threw in a cheapy
> which is doing very well. ;)

IIRC One of the Netgear cards is tulip based.. The tulip cards are pretty
rock solid (at least I've never had a problem with them and apparently
that's what Donald Becker was using for a long time hence the highly
optimised drivers) and the Netgear cards are nice and cheap.. Not a bad

BTW incase you dont know the tulip is the DEC 21XXX (plenty of variants and


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