Okay, I'll answer all these bits separately...

<quote who="Dave Fitch">

> ok thanks, folder-hook is the one, but...
> I've had to stop postfix setting the From/Sender header (was set
> in the canonical file) but mutt doesn't seem to set those fields.

Indeed it does. :)

> My .muttrc has (ignoring the folder-hook bit for a minute):
> my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> my_hdr Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sender won't help much, but certainly don't set Reply-To... Leave it to
yourself to set manually when you want replies sent to a specific address.

Example: When we post to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, we usually set our
Reply-To to [EMAIL PROTECTED], so conversation continues there, and we don't
have to moderate all the replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (from broken mail
clients) out.

> But trying to send email outside my system gives the error:

That's because your problem is more complicated than it seems. :)

> May 11 09:04:30 spiral postfix/qmgr[17045]: BF4791A093:
> from=<davidf@spiral>, size=550 (queue active)

Here is the problem; the envelope of your email is being set to
davidf@spiral. The envelope is very different to the From: header (which is
just human readable gumph).

> May 11 09:04:31 spiral postfix/smtp[17059]: BF4791A093:
> to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=mail2.optusnet.com.au[],
> delay=1, status=bounced (host mail2.optusnet.com.au[] said:
> 501 5.1.8 <davidf@spiral>... Domain of sender address davidf@spiral does
> not exist)

Because spiral is not a recognised host, OptusNet (smartly, for once) drop
your mail on the floor. You are not yet a real machine with a real name...

> Now is it referring to the Sender or From header? (note: "Reply-To:"
> and "From:" get set ok just not "From" (without the colon) and "Sender").
> cos in the example email they're both "davidf@spiral" and no matter
> what I set in my .muttrc I can't get them set to anything else.

Exactly. The "From (without the colon)" is your envelope address, and must
be set accordingly.

If you have a real world recognisable name, you can use it in the "myorigin"
setting in postfix (which defaults to $myhostname.$mydomain). If you don't,
you can set this to your isp's hostname (leaving your own myhostname and
mydomain intact).

"However, it's not that simple."

If you do that, all of your mail will be sent out with the envelope set to
your isp's hostname, and with postfix, it means that everything will be
rewritten thus. Think... root@spiral -> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Not good.

So, you need to mangle the transport for at least a few addresses. root,
hostmaster, postmaster, etc. Plus any other local accounts. The
documentation at postfix.org is really good. Great, even. First thing to
read is the postfix anatomy, then get into the configuration stuff.

- Jeff

     "People you know and trust can still have stupid mail clients." -      
                                 Dave Kempe                                 

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