On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 19:41, Ken Foskey wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 19:16, Tony Green wrote:
> > I'd be stunned if that ever happened.  Though I do think if there is to
> > be a change to the list setup, it should be decided by a vote of the
> > financial members.
> Let's cut the BS and really put it to the vote...
> As a financial member I would like to propose a motion for the next
> meeting that we vote on the slug mailing list.
> a) Leaving it alone.  
> b) Moving to a moderated list.
> c) Changing it to a members only list.
> d) Changing it to a financial members only list.
> Option b) will revert to an a) unless we have at least 3 volunteers for
> a guaranteed 12 months.
> Separate motion:
> Any whingers gainsaying this duly taken vote are automatically warned
> and on a repeat offence given a automatic moderation for a period of one
> week for each further offence.  (second offence is two weeks, third
> offence three, etc)
> OK I don't think this one will fly but hopefully just raising it some
> will get the hint.
> Just in case I am unable to make the meeting I nominate Tony or Jeff as
> my proxy.  They seem echo my opinions on this matter.

Seconded. I'm tired of the back and forth.

(And for the record, I support option a).

GPG key available at: <http://members.aardvark.net.au/lifeless/keys.txt>.

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