On Fri, Mar 12, 2004 at 08:39:14AM +0000, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:
> This one time, at band camp, Mike MacCana wrote:
> > The only truth of the matter is that Linux gets *many fewer* 'viruses'
> > because:
> [snip]
> > * Its less popular than Windows (not a main reason, but this is true).
> Actually this is almost the only reason!  All this shit about root
> privileges and all that, sure but there are exploits around that kind
> of thing.  The real reason is simple: why go for a difficult target
> when at best you'll infect a few thousand machines.  Instead, go for
> the easy, completely unprotected targets and infect hundreds of
> thousands.

Even if Linux/Unix systems were a majority, the infection rate would still
be a lot lower, due to diversity of configurations within the Linux sphere. 
One of the dangers of "category killers" like Apache - everyone runs it. 
FTP and SMTP servers, on the other hand, are many and varied, so a worm that
uses one of them isn't going to get anywhere *near* the infection level
enjoyed by most Windows worms and viruses.

- Matt
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