On another list I made the analogy of using W$ being like driving a Ferrari, 
and parking it in Harlem with the keys left in it...


On Fri, 12 Mar 2004 02:35 am, Grant Parnell wrote:
> How about this one...
> It's like entering a house through the door:
> Windows OS has key locks, most virii use some variation of a lock picker.
> Unix/Linux OS have numeric key pads, a lock picker is completely useless,
> you have to use something else to break in.
> In both cases you can still stand in front of the door and not let people
> in or out. Or simply walk in if somebody leaves the door open.
> With Unix/Linux, once you're in you find other doors locked in various
> ways depending on importance.
> On Fri, 12 Mar 2004, Bill Bennett wrote:
> > It's a peculiar request, so please bear with me.
> >
> > I had been asked why Linux was immune to the wave of viruses
> > that have been pillaging Microsoft-oriented machines. To be
> > honest, I didn't have a ready reply. The best I could do was
> > "Well, Linux is differently organised." Feeble, I know, but the
> > enquirer was not a nurd and, if it comes to that, neither am I.
> >
> > So I thought about the matter. I wanted a good analogy.
> >
> > This was the best that came to mind:
> >
> > "Assume someone has put something in your petrol that rots
> > piston heads and only piston heads. Eventually the engine
> > will fail.
> >
> > *However* it's not going to affect me if my engine is a Wenkel."
> >
> > As I say, the best I could do.
> >
> > Can anyone do better? The issue *must* have surfaced in the past
> > and valid analogies must have been drawn for the non-technical.
> > My reason for wanting this is that, occasionally I'm asked why I
> > will not even look at, or consider going back to MS. Blinding
> > people with technicalia generally gets you nowhere.
> >
> > Bill Bennett.
> --
> ---<GRiP>---
> Electronic Hobbyist, Former Arcadia BBS nut, Occasional nudist,
> Linux Guru, SLUG/AUUG/Linux Australia member, Sydney Flashmobber,
> BMX rider, Walker, Raver & rave music lover, Big kid that refuses
> to grow up. I'd make a good family pet, take me home today!
>         Do people actually read these things?

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