On Sat, Jun 05, 2004, Ken Foskey wrote:
> Is the use of FOSS code in applications that are closed a huge evil or
> do we want to propagate the use of FOSS code.

This is one of those trick questions isn't it? If I answer "the use of
FOSS code in applications that are closed a huge evil" then I'm saying I
don't "want to propagate the use of FOSS code" right?

I'm still not willing to deal in such loaded terms. There are several
other alternatives in any case:

 - wanting to increase the amount of FOSS code in the world (not
   unrelated to *use* of code, but not exactly the same)
 - wanting to increase the visibility of FOSS code in the world
 - wanting to strengthen FOSS *projects*
 - wanting to make software available to people in the third world

etc etc. Various licences and community structures do these in various

Besides, I don't think it's monolithic. In some cases the use of FOSS
code in closed applications may be a bad thing for various people
(closed source program outcompetes original open source program,
programmer misses out on compensation because closed source developers
did not feel the need to buy a second licence, open source program
misses out on patches because closed source project didn't contribute
them back) and other times a good thing (closed source project increases
visibility of open source library, closed source project contributes to
open source library...)

At this stage, copyright holder makes the call. *All* open source
licences give away rights that are restricted by default.

> The other approach is the GPL approach that says that in order to
> strengthen GPL you must create GPL libraries and place a burden on the
> commercial programmer to choose between GPL or rewriting the
> functionality.

On the other hand, it is a guarentee to the user that "anyone who makes
a newer bigger better version of this using my hard work will also GPL
it! And so will people who make a bigger better version of something
else entirely, but use my code!"

I'm not that strongly pro-GPL, but I think it has positives as well as

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