; I used do do this stuff for various clients including the oil industry.. 
; and managed to keep interactive websites (orders, registrations, remote 
; website updates..) operable and bulletproof with complex javascript etc. 
; for the current AND previous versions of IE, NS, Opera, Knoqueror, on 
; Win, Linux, Mac... all by myself. If they didn't work they could cause a 
; shareholderor director to ring up and give me or the oil company an 
; earful, which was a suboptimal outcome. So I struggle to belive that 
; these genius graduate software engineers struggle with it. Trouble is 
; I've forgotton all the technical stuff now and do other things. I'll let 
; it drop here.

ok -- this is ridiculous.  I've just tried st george with firefox, 

Error: document.bhjvmd.getJavaVendor is not a function
Source File: https://ibank.stgeorge.com.au/html/redirect.asp
Line: 11


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<noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; 
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function bhawkTest() {
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Does anybody know someone who works for these geniuses? There's no
reason this crap shouldn't work no matter what browser/platform you
happen to be on, isn't this the entire point of Java?

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