<quote who="Carlo Sogono">

> I see. Thanks for the clarification. Sorry for the noob questions, but how
> is this exactly different from, say a VMWare Workstation machine that I
> can connect to using VNC/SSH or RDP? I'll probably give it a go on the
> weekend...

You'd have to connect to the host machine running VMWare Workstation to be
able to run multiple operating systems and access them all via VNC/SSH or
RDP. That means running a GUI (be that Windows, a full desktop environment
on Linux, or just an X server with VMWare running in it if you care to make
the effort).

With VMWare Server, you run it as a service, on a server machine, no GUI
required, and you administer the service via a GUI (VMWare Server Console)
on your client machine (Windows or Linux). It's VMWare... as a server.

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2007: Sydney, Australia           http://lca2007.linux.org.au/
                I get my kicks above the .sigline, sunshine.
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