On 2007.02.12 14:19 Michael Lake wrote:
I notice that dyndns have setup guides for exim. I'm using
mutt on my Debian laptop and exim is on it to but I don't
use it and its never been configured. I presume I would
configure exim so mutt sends via exim.

If you intend your ISP to be your "real" mailserver then there is no need for you to set up any of the Big 4 as your internal mailserver. In fact, mutt (and most other MUAs) have a setting "sendmail=..." or similar that simply gets interpreted as "send the mail using sendmail/postfix/exim/qmail", thus using a sledgehammer to crack walnuts. You can use **any** deliver-only utility for this -- the only problem occurs when you try to "send" via mutt (or whatever) when offline -- most deliver-only utilities do not have a queueing or queue-flushing function.

If you are familiar with fetchmail (thus eliminating 50% of the configuration nightmares with sendmail et al) and mutt than try:

Installation of any of these is simple, and configuration takes about a minute -- msmtp has a queueing/flushing function. Most have a instruction: "change the following line in your mutt config file..."

Robert Thorsby
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