<quote who="Daniel Pittman">

> I am curious about the "how to bring AppFolders..." part of your
> comment, though: as far as I can tell, with the exception of the Rox
> stuff[1] and the GNUStep people[2] no only really cares ... and those
> two are pretty much a niche market...

There were heaps of projects playing with the idea a few years ago, one of
thre notably offensive ones being autopackage. OLPC ".xo" packages are
essentially appfolders, too.

> (Plus, how hard is it, seriously?  Five lines of code?)

Every time you're tempted to say that, hold it in and realise you probably
haven't thought about it very much. It's like when clients say, "it should
be easy to..." and suggest something that would require major architectural
changes to your product...

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2010: Wellington, NZ       http://www.penguinsvisiting.org.nz/
      "Then it hit me: What I really want is for all edit panes in all
    applications to be gnuclient processes hooked to a centralized emacs
                     gnuserver process!" - Gary Murphy
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