<quote who="Daniel Pittman">

> > Experimenting is fun. Reality is hard.
> I notice you omitted the section of my email where, indeed, I note that
> this is from practical experience.

Sorry, but ROX and GNUstep are experimentations. They don't have users or
vendors or real systems they need to integrate with or previous version
compatibility issues, etc. When I say "reality", I mean products shipping
and an active marketplace around them (which *can* be said for GNOME/KDE).
Then the hairier issues of software support beyond "hey does this stuff
work?" start to bite.

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2010: Wellington, NZ       http://www.penguinsvisiting.org.nz/
   "People who paid for bug fixes in the 3c501 driver also bought MacIIfx
                      support contracts..." - Alan Cox
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