<quote who="Daniel Pittman">

> > It's like when clients say, "it should be easy to..." and suggest
> > something that would require major architectural changes to your
> > product...
> Pshaw.  AppFolders are only hard if you want integration with the Unix
> world, outside your own environment.
> On Linux, this is probably a goal, because otherwise you need to invent
> the entire desktop environment, rendering you into stagnation (hi, ROX,
> GNUStep, nice to see nothing much changes) because of the workload.
> It doesn't make AppFolders themselves even remotely difficult, though, but
> rather integrating them into the rest of an environment designed on
> different assumptions.

Experimenting is fun. Reality is hard. Shipping software and supporting
users means your solution has to take all kinds of other issues into account
beyond "it should be easy to..."

- Jeff

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