> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "meryl"
> Sent: Friday, 19 February, 2010 8:11:53 AM
> I needed to do some file sharing recently and now that the task is
> finished so I want to remove the Samba service. I'm using Ubuntu 9.10.
> in Synaptic > search: samba 
> shows that the following items are installed;
>   samba
>    samba-common
>    samba-common-bin
>    smbclient
>    libpam-smbpass
>    libsmbclient
>    libwbclient0
>    nautilus-share
>    python-smbc

Hi Meryl,

If you jump on the command line and type "apt-cache show samba" then scroll 
down you'll see this (this was on a Ubuntu 8.04 system - YMMV):

 Currently, the Samba Debian packages consist of the following:
  samba - LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix.
  samba-common - Samba common files used by both the server and the client.
  smbclient - LanManager-like simple client for Unix.
  swat - Samba Web Administration Tool
  samba-doc - Samba documentation.
  samba-doc-pdf - Samba documentation in PDF format.
  smbfs - Mount and umount commands for the smbfs (kernels 2.2.x and above).
  libpam-smbpass - pluggable authentication module for SMB/CIFS password
  libsmbclient - Shared library that allows applications to talk to SMB/CIFS
  libsmbclient-dev - libsmbclient shared libraries
  winbind - Service to resolve user and group information from Windows NT
 It is possible to install a subset of these packages depending on
 your particular needs. For example, to access other SMB/CIFS servers you
 should only need the smbclient and samba-common packages.

So with the exception of the nautilus/python bindings Synaptic seems to 
correspond to the list.  Notice that last line? ;)  Read on...

> When I mark "samba" for removal no other files on this list are
> marked. So is just marking "samba" for removal sufficient to stop this
> service from starting at boot... and I don't want to keep files that
> only rely on samba alone as they'll be superfluous.

Keep in mind there are 2 halves to the Samaba packages: server components and 
client components (see the description next to "samba-common"?) with some 
common bits they both share.  You probably only want to get rid of the server 

> But when I select "samba-common" to be removed, Synaptic notifies me
> of a list of other files that it will also remove with "samba-common"
> - one of them being "ubuntu-desktop".
> I'm not so sure that I want ubuntu-desktop removed! 

Don't sweat the "ubuntu-desktop" package.  It's not a "real" package, it's a 
meta-package which depends on all the components for an interactive desktop 
etc.  If you go to the command line (again...sorry) and type "apt-cache show 
ubunut-desktop" you'll notice in the "Depends" section it relies on 
"smbclient".  So if you remove the smbclient package the package manager must 
remove the ubuntu-desktop meta-package to maintain dependancies.  HOWEVER, 
removing a meta-package DOES NOT remove the packages it depends on :)  So it's 

Getting back to your original query, you should be able to remove:

Just leave the "smbclient" package and "ubuntu-desktop" should be fine.  Worst 
case scenario, hose ALL the samba stuff (which will take out "ubuntu-desktop as 
colateral) then simply re-install "ubuntu-desktop".  This will ensure you only 
get the bits of samba required to satisfy "ubuntu-desktop" when you re-install 
it.  Not perfect, but it is simple.

Have fun!

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