meryl wrote:

> I needed to do some file sharing recently and now that the task is
> finished so I want to remove the Samba service. I'm using Ubuntu 9.10.
> in Synaptic > search: samba 
> shows that the following items are installed;
>    samba
>    samba-common
>    samba-common-bin
>    smbclient
>    libpam-smbpass
>    libsmbclient
>    libwbclient0
>    nautilus-share
>    python-smbc
> When I mark "samba" for removal no other files on this list are
> marked.

Samba is the samba server. Thats the one you want to remove.

Samba-common and samba-common-bin contain files and programs used
by both the samba server and samba client programs. You probably
don't want to remove these.

> But when I select "samba-common" to be removed, Synaptic notifies me
> of a list of other files that it will also remove with "samba-common"
> - one of them being "ubuntu-desktop".
> I'm not so sure that I want ubuntu-desktop removed! 

Ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package, a package that contains no files itself,
but depends on a bunch of other things that would be useful to have if
you are running an ubuntu desktop machine. However, unless you really know
what you are doing, you should probably keep ubuntu-desktop installed.

Erik (who always uses the command line dpkg and apt-* tools)
Erik de Castro Lopo
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