i posted some messages about that four or five weeks ago before i wnet into the wild (ie no inet).

Ah OK I did try looking around for messages on the same topic but didn't see any.

re your problems with zhone and sms: never seen that. did you check carefully your config files?

My question is, which config files and what do I check them against? I've requested a working copy of frameworkd.conf from this list and updated mine accordingly. My oevents/rules.yaml file contains some stuff I've added to do nice things with the headset button and usb, but nothing too weird. It also used to work with ophonekitd until the last debian version of fso-framework.

I've had this problem with zhone ever since I first installed debian (which I have done twice from scratch). I send the phone an SMS and see no trace of it in the framework log or in zhone. But the message centre records the message as delivered and sure enough if I stop and restart zhone the message is there.

i once killed debian/fso completely and had to use shr until someone pointed out a small change in framework.conf making fsousaged crash almost immediately with old configs.

Do you recall what that small change to framework.conf was?


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