The package is still WIP. It needs some time, because I'm refactoring
the packaging of the configuration, so that all FSO configuration
package are built from one source package. At the moment the general
configuration is generated from fso-frameworkd source package.

OK not a problem.

But I take it noone else has seen ophonekitd segfaulting?

Also, and maybe this is something to take to another thread, but I've been playing with framework to make it do some simple but practical things, for example responding to the headset button to pause and unpause mplayer. In doing this I've found quite a few quirks that I've basically resolved by trial-and-error. Notably the parser of oevents/rules.yaml seems to be rather unfriendly and buggy, falling over completely on files that seem entirely correct to me. I'll happily go into greater detail if it's worth it, but I suspect this isn't the right forum.

Cheers, Jonathan

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