Just to be a little more explicit...

> > 3) Are these files always needed when offering a web service via SOAP?

You are never required to provide a WSDL file. But if you want to "offer"
this service (and by "offer" I assume that you intend to make it avilable
to a variety of clients) then you need to provide technical information 
to these clients about how to use the service.

A WSDL file provides a complete technical description of your 
web service. It describes 
- what the web service does (the operations that the service 
  supports, and the messages (including type information) that 
  must be exchanged for each operation) 
- how to communicate with the service (which protocol(s) it 
  supports, whether you're using RPC style or document style, 
  and how the messages are encoded) 
- where to find the service (it's access point)

If you don't provide a WSDL file, then you'll need to provide this 
technical specification in some other way (perhaps a written 
document describing how to use the service or perhaps via a 
telephone conversation.) The advantage of providing a WSDL file is 
that most SOAP toolkits now have the ability to generate a client 
interface from the WSDL file. Otherwise clients will have to 
construct these interfaces by hand.

Most SOAP toolkits (Systinet WASP, .NET, IBM WSTK, Apache Java2WSDL, 
etc.) now provide tools to generate WSDL from your server code. You 
usually don't need to write the WSDL by hand. If you're using a tool 
that doesn't generate WSDL, then I recommend that you use a WSDL 
editor tool such as Omniopera (www.omniopera.com) to help you write 
it. Then look at lots of sample WSDL files to guide you.

The biggest source or errors in WSDL files come from errors in 
namespace usage. As a best practice, always qualify all of your 
element names. Keep these thoughts in mind:
- your default namespace should be the WSDL namespace (the 
  namespace that defines the <definitions>, <types>, <message>, 
  <portType>, <operation>, <service>, and <port> elements. Any 
  element or attribute that you use that's not in this namespace
  needs to be qualified.
- your target namespace is not the same as your default 
  namespace. To reference elements defined in your WSDL file, 
  you should define a tns: namespace that points to your 
  target namespace.


Anne Thomas Manes
CTO, Systinet

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