I have been following this discussion with interest and some good ideas have been advanced, however I have seen no discussion of the two most important items. Who will do the work and how will it be financed. I have been a member of LSF since 1972 and joined the old East Coast Soaring Society about the same time. I have observed the troubles encountered by both organizations. Perhaps a little history will help some of the younger generation understand my concerns.

LSF was founded in 1969 by a lCalifornia group after an earlier attempt had failed. It was a volunteer group that had no dues or funding source other than a request for postage stamps and entry fees from an LSF tournament. LSF rapidly expanded to a world wide organization that soon led to burnout of the founding group. In 1973, control of the LSF was passed to Dan Pruss and others around Chicago IL. Things struggled along until Dan’s death in 1986 and the LSF also almost died shortly after.

Bob Steel rescued the records and, with Mike Stump, Cal Posthuma and a few other dedicated Midwest LSF members, revived the LSF. They also revived the LSF tournament in 1992 to finance the LSF. The last LSF tournament was held at Muncie in 1994. Mike Stump worked out an agreement with AMA to run the Soaring events at the AMA Nats starting in 1995 and share income from the entry fees. LSF finally had finally solved the funding problem.

Prior to 1976, soaring was not an official AMA event. In 1973, AMA established a Soaring Advisory Committee to establish soaring as an official event. The Soaring Advisory Committee recognized the National Soaring Society (formally East Coast Soaring Society) as the soaring special interest group in 1974 and turned over most of it’s functions to that group. NSS soon ran into the same problems as LSF: Worker burnout and finances. Finally, in 1995, NSS could not run the soaring events at the Nats so that lead to Mike Stump’s agreement with AMA for LSF to run the soaring events at the Nats and share the revenue.

I ask my question again. How do they propose to run and finance the program, or do they expect to parasite off LSF?

Chuck Andeson
LSF 586 Level IV
ECSS/NSS 72-361
AMA Soaring Advisory Committee 1983-1985
NSS District V VP 1985-1987
NSS  Treasurer 1988
1989 – present    no office and never again.
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