
I apologize for not being clear about the concept for a "Competition
Equivalent Task."  On rereading my posts, it might not be clear to
someone who is not in my head that the intent of this concept is to
more or less be the equivalent of an easily understood task and the
cornerstone of the three ten minute flights in one hour was to recreate
the requirement that you must fly into conditions that you cannot choose
at the time you fly.  One of the innate problems in my proposal as that
I mentally thought three flights in one hour would leave three 10
minute windows between the flights which would probably leave a 4-6
minute practical window to launch subsequent flights.  Not being versed
at higher math, it took me a while to puzzle out that three ten minute
flights in one hour would leave two 15 minute windows between flights,
leaving 9-11 "practical" minutes to allow the pilot time to "pick his
air."  In my view this is entirely too long a period to recreate the
circumstances typical in contests.  I don't know for sure, but I'll
accept your assessment that this would simply result in a turkeyshoot.

I hope you can appreciate that nearly everything that is being proposed
is more for conceptual illustration than for final implementation.  

That being said, I have refined the illustration and attached a sample
of rules which might define a "Competition Equivalent Task".  Like the
illustrations before it, it is not being proposed as the "final word"
in ideas -- simply an idea to stimulate the thought glands.

p.s.  While I do not necessarily place the current LSF rules beside our
Constitution, we in this sport are not necessarily best served by being
bound by one set of rules.  In theory, the Constitution serves the
needs of all of our citizens equally well -- that is the genious of our
founding fathers.  I'm not sure that the LSF rules as they now sit serve
all of our community equally well.  And I'm absolutely certain that any
product which might result from all this bafflegab will ultimately
strengthen the soaring community as a whole.

|Filename: Competition Alternative Task Rules.pdf                   |
|Download: |

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