At 07:33 PM 10/5/00 -0700, Bill Johns wrote:

>My problem was that I was playing with a computer.  With this kinda
>calculating power it is easy to play "what if" games and I was setting up a
>totally unreasonable, worst case scenario.

Actually I know better.  Whenever I fly commercial I prefer a seat over the
wing section so I can watch all the bits and pieces move while the pilot is
doing all the serious work.  I remember fondly noting that once at the
initial stages of a descent, the pilot had to bank and I watched the
ailerons move perhaps a very small amount, an inch a the outside, to
produce a very quick movement of the plane.  This was at a high speed.
Later, while on final, at a much lower speed, the ailerons were moving many
inches to correct for turbulence, and the plane sorta responded in its own
sweet time.

Same sorta thing we are talking about here.

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